1. The students aspiringfor the admission in the school have to submit the application form in theprescribed format.
"Application form cumbrochure" can be obtained from the school. During admission, it ismandatory to submit the admission form duly filled along with the signature ofstudent and parent/Guardian.
2. Mandatory documents tobe submitted with admission form are mentioned below:
Normal Admission
· Photocopy of 'Mark-sheet' of previous class-01 Nos
· Original transfer certificate- 01 Nos
· ous class-011
· Photocopy of Birth-certificate (for nursery class only) Photocopy of'Aadhar Card' of student -01 Nos
· Photocopy of Aadhar Card of parents (Father-Mother)
· Passport size photograph of student -02 Nos
· If a student takes admission from another block or district then it ismandatory to submit the transfer certificate attested by B.E.O or D.E.O
Free Education (RTE) Admission:
In Indian Kids Next Generation School, freeeducation under free and compulsory education scheme (RTE) is provided for thestudents of below poverty line (BPL) and "specially abled".Accordingly, 25% of total seats for each academic session are earmarked forsuch students. Below documents are required to be submitted.
· Photocopy of Aadhar card (Student, Father & Mother)
· Photocopy of Ration Card
· Photocopy of Birth Certificate of student
· Photocopy of 2002 or 2011 Survey of SECC
· Two passport size photos of student
· Contact numbers.
Admission Rules:
1. Admissions taken on the basis offalse, incomplete and misleading information will be cancelled with immediateeffect and the responsibility of such act will lie on the applicant. And anykind of fee paid by the applicant will not be refunded in such case.
2. Admission will be cancelled if thementioned documents are not submitted in given timeline.
3. School authority can reject/canceladmission of student in case of objectionable conduct or eligibility.
4. The admission of the student will be considered complete only aftersubmission of school fees and mandatory documents.
5. The facts in the admission form should match with the documentsproduced by the applicant.
6. In case of any change in permanent/present address of the applicant itis mandatory to inform the same to school authority immediately.
7. After completion of the admission process, the students will be issuedan Identity Card.
8. Identity Card is mandatory for each student and it can be re-issued incase of misplace/damage for a nominal charge.
9. Vehicles facility is available in all routes. And transportation feesis payable for 10 months in one academic session, even if student leaves in themid of the academic session or avails the same in between the academic session.
10. It is mandatory to pay transportation fees every month. And in caseof delay, late fees will be charged.
11. It is strictly prohibited to allow stranger/outsider in schoolvehicle.
12. It is mandatory for the students availing school vehicle facility tosubmit the consent letter.
If any student leaves our institution in the mid of an academic session,the following procedure has to be followed:
· Written information intimating the reason for leaving this institutionshould be submitted to the school.
· Entire fees for the current academic session should be paid by thestudent before leaving the school.
· Any kind of assistance, scholarship, amount of RTE etc. will be returnedback to the school by the student.
· Charges for transfer certificate (TC) should be paid by the student asapplicable.
· A written application regarding seeking TC, along with the signature ofthe parent is mandatory.
· Original government chalan along with a copy of FIR will be required forseeking duplicate TC and character certificate charges will be applicable asper school authority.